Monday, 23 November 2009

My music magazine questionnaire

1. Are you male or female?
Male Female

2. How old are you?
Under 16 16-25 25-35 35-45 Over 45

3. How often do you buy music magazines?
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Other ______________

4. How do you find out about the UK charts? (Tick which apply in numbered order)
TV Radio Internet Record shops

5. What is your favourite genre in the charts? (Number them in order of preference)
R’n’b Dance Rock Indie Hip hop Rap
Pop Other ______________

6. Who is your favourite band?

7. Who is you favourite solo artist?

8. What do you like to see in music magazines? (Number them in order of preference)
Interviews Reviews Headlines Gig Information
Upcoming artists/bands Upcoming CD’s

9. How often do you listen to chart music?
Everyday A few days a week Once a week Not much

10. Do you prefer to buy singles or albums?
Singles Album

11. How much would you willing to pay for a chart music magazine?
Up to £1 £1-£2 £2-£3 £3-£4 More than £4

12. Do you prefer a band or artist on the front cover of a magazine?
Band Artist I don’t have a preference

13. Do you prefer to buy music or download?
Buy Download

14. What is your favourite music magazine?

15. List three words you would associate with chart music?

16. What is your favourite colour?

17. Would you buy a new chart music magazine?
Yes No

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